Each March 8th brings us a special occasion that supposedly reminds all of us of the value of powerful women; thus, reshaping the perseverance of the beautiful idea towards them. This very idea should encourage respect, raise attention against the imbalance, and refresh one’s mind thanks to the beauty of the soul. While the darkness amongst our community can appear as a devourer of hope and strength, what I would like to bring to life today should at least spare some hope, light, and vitality for those who read this. Not just any person, but everyone who has a small need or understanding of love and respect should empower their thoughts post-reading.
There are countless words, titles, or adjectives associated with women and most of them are related to beauty. If we are to make progress today and leave a significantly impactful signature on today’s Women’s Day, we have to understand that such beauty does not come from just the physical appearance and strength cannot be limited with the ability to resist violence. In my humble opinion, the source of beauty comes from the purity of the soul first. Like a breeze, a soul can be lead or lead. What we tend to forget about the soul of women, although this comes from a view of a male, is that their soul is imbued with strength and love already. The scarcity of such invaluable traits only occurs due to the unforgivable nature that is usually presented by men. There is no need to point fingers, at least in Turkey, whereas the statistics already mention the dreadful truth more than I can possibly explain here. So, the first milestone should be understanding the very concept of one’s soul. What I believe is there is purity gifted from dawn to dusk and it can only be corrupted to some extent, leaving the possibilities a chance to arrive even for the “worst” looking scenarios out there. Remember, the soul is like a breeze. It can and should refresh. The strength, however, is drastically different. It represents the role of women, the very role that can empower people and carve the path for others. Although a woman’s strength is possibly easier to distinguish when compared with the beauty of a soul, the ghastly strings some people tend to attach onto women make it difficult, if not impossible, for women to show the strength that comes from their creation. This should bring one major question to mind: Who are we to control one’s such strength and restrict them from being themselves? The answer is extremely simple. We are no one. Women can lead themselves without needing a light to shine upon their path. They can see the truth through the looking glass as they break the chains of the obligation of needing someone. Even the breeze can lift you and that is the strength of women. This is not a sign of superiority, but rather an indication of acceptance of a humanized lifestyle. There is no weakness or inferior trait of women that can forge a flimsy shield, preventing them from taking the flag. Such a shield is to be the downfall of those who imagine it as a durable tool. With that in mind, this brings us to the culmination of the meaning of beauty which is the combination of the soul and strength. "Such a beautiful woman." is a dialogue used so commonly that it now blinds people, causing them to actually avoid true beauty and focus on appearance. It is often the desire that is fed and also hungered for more, through movies, songs, books, and many other materials today whereas a soft touch to the beauty actually refers to the soul of a person.
It is with great reluctance that I have the need to mention this: If we want to finally build a community that does not unsheathe the sharpest sword polished with the most corrupted words, we first have to acknowledge the fact that women are not roses. They already form a garden within themselves, a garden that is so strong that it can unleash the most beautiful scent through the breeze of a day without needing any gardener.